Professional CMake:

A Practical Guide

Learn to use CMake effectively with practical advice from a CMake co-maintainer. You can also have the author work directly with your team!

Lambdas for lunch

Alright, so lambdas in C++ are cool and we’ve been coding with one arm tied behind our back all this time. C++11 brought us this wonderful goodness, which is great, but just how do you actually use them? No messing around, let’s jump right in!

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CMake targets with detailed dependencies

If only software build systems would do what we intuitively expect! I’m sure many of you have your own horror stories of having to unravel convoluted scripts, project settings, compiler bugs, etc. in order to get code to build, despite the project requirements seeming to be relatively simple. If you work with cross-platform software, this is probably a pain point you are particularly familiar with. This article demonstrates some more recent features of CMake which greatly reduce that pain.

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